The Gift – By Susan Coupland

Before we get lost in shops in search of the perfect gift this Christmas, let’s take a little minute together to consider one of the most special gifts God has given us.

This gift is available to everyone and can be used to give to others over and over, without emptying your purse!

Have you figured it out? Let me give you a few more clues…

It can make a housebound pensioner more powerful than the president and can give a child the ability to be a world-changer. The enemy would do anything to make you dismiss its power and will try everything to distract you from using it or offering it to others. He knows it’s a game-changer and he can be silenced by it. It’s a sleep-waking, ground-quaking, stronghold-shaking, bond-breaking, sickness-taking, solution-making gift from God. Can you guess what it is?

What if I told you this gift can be used at any point in the day, in any situation, to change our thinking and the atmosphere around us. This gift can be used effectively by anyone who knows God and believes in the power of this gift.  

Have you guessed what it is? If you guessed ‘prayer’ – you are right. Lets not underestimate the power of prayer. How did God create the world? He spoke! What does the Bible say has the power of life and death? The tongue! What did Jesus do when he was about to face the biggest challenge of his life on earth? He prayed!

The bible continually encourages us to pray for one another…

“And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.” Ephesians 6:18 (NIV)

It is my absolute privilege to be involved with praying4u, a Destiny initiative that connects people all over the world with a growing team of people who know that prayer works and who are committed to praying for others. The needs are vast and many people are isolated and desperate for connection with someone who cares. Praise reports are flooding in and people are expressing that they feel loved and cared for. Do you need prayer or would you like to be praying for the needs of others?

Either way, we would love to hear from you at


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Address: 70 Cathedral Street, Glasgow,
G4 0RN, Scotland, UK
Phone: 0141 616 6777

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